Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Search Begins

Well, actually my search began in 2009 after my dad died. But I found out that I was adopted just after my mom died in 2007. That's when I found the letter...a letter from a lawyer to my parents stating that he had found a baby for them. I was born in February and adopted in March of that same year. I don't have much information to go on and I'm hoping I can get some help from the courts.

No one in my family knew a lot of info, at least no one I've talked to about it. Some even said that my mother had sworn them to one was allowed to talk about it or tell me anything pertaining to my adoption.

Both of my parents died without saying anything to me about being adopted. This blog is going to serve as an outlet for me to discuss what I'm going through with my search and to voice any realizations and frustrations I have along the way.

Location : 200 Green St, Parkersburg, WV 26101,

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